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Visitors may come to Blue Apples to shop our selection of crystals and gems, jewelry, oracles, incense and oils, and everything else there is to discover. Explore the realms of beauty, consciousness, and energetic assistance found in the crystal/mineral worlds. CONTACT US to book an appt. to visit our studio on Gabriola Island - it is ideal to have the space to yourself, we welcome you to take your time or SHOP ONLINE.


Our online shop offers a selection of our current treasures at Blue Apples. Because of the cost to ship we don't often add items that are under $10 though we have plenty in stock. If you are in our area, visit us in person to view much more. Sah does custom work and can source items on your wish list that we do not have in stock.


Blue Apples has been known to shape-shift and appear at various events in many communities along the coast of BC, often combining our musical gifts with offers of crystals, jewelry, etc. Visit our EVENTS page to see where we are heading. We are open to receive your invitation to visit your community!



Sah'Rah Kerfoot
holistic entrepreneur

Sah'Rah Kerfoot

I am a priestess of the Beauty Way, finding kinship with and inspiration from the natural world and inter-species relations. Having 'collected rocks' since childhood, as soon as the crystal kingdom was introduced, my interest in the subtle vibratory realms ignited. I began offering Energy Work incorporating intuitive laying-on-of-stones in 2005 at the age of 23, and Blue Apples was born in 2006 from the simple idea to provide crystals and gems for clients to bring home and a place to present my jewelry creations. The next wave of awakening involved studying Sacred Geometry and Sound Healing, in both formal trainings (through Flower of Life teachings, entry-level Acutonics, and The Fibonacci Process) and with experiential immersion in sacred shamanic plant medicine ceremonies. The mystery and magic of the true potential of human consciousness continued to reveal itself through Alpha-Neurofeedback training at Biocybernaut Institute. A connection to voice as the ultimate instrument developed over many years of stripping away my resistances and working through old patterns of shyness and 'staying small'. A commitment to emerge was beautifully supported by Inaiya Ray's "Living Chalice" New Earth Academy of Evolutionary Arts, journeying through many years of personal development within the "Evolutionary Priestess" and "New Earth Avatar" containers. When asked "what brings the greatest joy and excitement and what experiences will be called in from this place of awakened innocent awareness", it was animals who stepped forward, having nurtured my deepest heart-space all along. Spontaneously meeting White Lions in meditative inner-space, and quickly realizing that there actually were such magnificent creatures in-the-flesh, I was destined to visit South Africa in 2013 to meet my star family incarnated in the magnificent White Lions at the Global White Lion Protection Trust. My deepest calling was to go and sing to them, with them. Supported by astrological teachings, animal communication study and practice, and the pilgrimage itself, I gained many more allies on this journey and came to know and trust myself much deeper. The last 10 years have been saturated in shamanic ceremonial sound healing journeys, and the birth of another child. I bring all of my experiences and love of the Mystery into my work with people. I seek to assist others into a deeper connection to Self and Source, through the feeling/listening body, encouraging OPEN, RELAXED states of being where awareness can rest on the truth and perfection of the moment.


Sound and song provide a container and a track for consciousness to feel supported and to journey deeper into Self, releasing what no longer serves, and tapping into the intelligence and nourishment that springs from our own hearts. When giving the active mind a Listen, we can find our center, we can find peace. We are our own 'Healers', of this I have no doubt, but we also benefit from help along the way. Visit our SOUND HEALING page to tune in. Music is our medicine! 


I create high-frequency jewelry with crystals, gems, and feathers. The natural world provides frequencies to assist us in grounding and/or raising our vibration. We also respond to beauty, plain and simple (or LOUD AND PROUD!)  We choose our clothing and adornments to express our inner selves. Much of my art is wearable for this reason. I also work with plants through essential oils, blending unique combinations for personal use as a natural perfume or meditative aid.


I also love assisting people in connecting with crystals and gems, tuning into the subtleties and suggesting potential allies based on intention. Our home-studio open by appointment suits this best, where you can enjoy a room full of crystals privately and take the time to find the perfect gifts. If we do not have what you are seeking, I can almost always find a source specific to your intention.

Our latest excitement is the building of a Temple! Blue Apples will be moved once completed, and it will be a place where all of our work can come together. We also look forward to once more having space to welcome others to share their wisdom and work with our community! Our Temple plans grew in size just before we began to build thanks to being introduced to The EE System Technology, which we intend on including in our Temple. See our SOUND HEALING page to learn about The Energy Enhancement System and how we are bringing our Sound Healing work to one in Victoria NOW!

Follow along our Temple building process on YouTube! 

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